Budget Wrecker & Recycling
201 S Inola Ave Wagoner, Oklahoma 74467
(918) 485-1555

metal recycling


When you turn in your scrap metal to us, we can turn it into cash! We help the environment through metal recycling, and invite you to reap the benefits as well. By helping the environment and recycling your scrap metal, you also get a cash payment at our location when you turn over your recyclable metal.

We also offer recycling containers that can be delivered to your location, picked up when you are finished, and recycled for you for both ease and convenience of use!

Step 1.

Bring In Your Metal

Automobiles, electronics, scrap iron, appliances, aluminium cans, and other metals are welcome at Budget Wrecker & Recycling. Bring your metal to us, and get started recycling today.

Step 2.


We will assist you in unloading and weighing your scrap metal so we can determine the amount to be paid. We make it easy and convenient.

Step 3.

Get Paid!

Payment for your metal will vary depending on weight and types of metal. We assure you that you will receive the highest value for your scrap metal, because when you have recyclable materials, we want you to remember Budget Wrecker & Recycling!